Interesting Facts About This Island

There have been bandits, who valued honor more than anything.
A liquid continent in itself –a mountainous island on the heart of the Mediterranean Sea; that is what Corsica is. The towering granite cliffs in accordance with the powdery golden sea beach create the geographical boundary but the connection with almost all Mediterranean countries, especially France and Italian Peninsula reflects on the nature of the inhabitants.
There have been bandits, who valued honor more than anything. There were attacks of vendetta or keeping unwritten law, but those differed from simple revenge.
If you go in Corsican history, you will find that while the great Napoleon Bonaparte neglected this small island during his reign, the intoxication of the Maquis kept him alive during his exile to St Helena.
“Island, strange continent, Old country with new life,/Enslaved independent isle,…”-these lines perfectly depict the island, its history intermingled with present.

The traditional songs, especially polyphonies depict the story of the island.
So, what are the interesting facts hidden behind its spectacular scenery? Have a look –
- Although French is the official language, Corsican people are more comfortable in speaking Corsu, which has been the tradition since ages. Corsu is more an oral language than written and it varies from regions to regions.
- The traditional songs, especially polyphonies depict the story of the island. The renowned A Flietta, a polyphony singing group celebrates “C’est ça la solidarité” or solidarity in terms of independence, mutuality, integration and complementarities in the harsh environment where Corsicans live and earn livelihood in perfect harmony.
- A Corsican saying goes that you have to acknowledge your own in any funeral or wedding. In mourning or funeral occasions, the Lamento or polyphony as a lively celebration of new hope after death is suggestive of the cycle of birth-life-death-rebirth.
- The simple-looking polychrome churches seem impregnable with their starkness and their highlight is the sloping floors up to altars. Polyphony in terms of capella is also a notable part of these churches. Know about other historic places in Corsica.
- Diversity is evident in Corsican landscape too. While passing through Scala di Santa Regina, you will come across the craggy terrain of Golo Gorge that leads towards high altitude Nicolo Plateau. Wilderness is defined in the Col de Vergio pass which descends to Aitone pine forests. The coral diversity of Porto is notable too.
- Maquis in mid-altitudes are blessed with resilient and harsh plantation like gorse, broom, laurel, juniper, myrtle and lentisk as well as fragrant herbs like cistus, lavender, asphodel, heather, sage and thyme.
- The Lariccio Pine groves grow by surging torrents of Monte d’Oro while Olive groves are seen in balagne ansd Chestnut groves on Castagnicca’s craggy mountains.
- While the jagged mountains and rugged coasts of Corsica seem to be daunting enough, the taciturn natives might look unapproachable, but in reality, they are very welcoming. They are personally reserved and love to keep an intimate community where both male and female mutualism over supremacy, but none is dominating.
Corsica has seen countless invasions but has kept a stronghold through keeping their families and clans as paramount.